Arcohe families -- at the board meeting last Friday, the Board of Trustees modified the approved calendar for the 2020-2021 school year. More information will be coming out shortly but you are view it here: The first student day will now be on August 13th and we will be starting in a distance-learning format as per the Governor's orders.
about 4 years ago, Troy Miller
As you may know, our board meeting is set for this Friday starting at 4:30 for Open Session. Following Public Health guidelines, we are prohibited from having an in-person meeting at this time. The board meeting will be held virtually by following this link: Meeting ID Phone Numbers (‪US‬)‪+1 484-416-4652‬ PIN: ‪821 309 033#‬
about 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Parents -- we are looking for your input regarding the starting date of school. Please complete the one question survey listed below:
about 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Arcohe families, an email was send home this morning detailing the possible schedules to start the 2020-2021 school year. If you did not receive the email, the letter and files can be found here:
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Yearbooks have arrived! For those of you that pre-purchased a yearbook you can pick them up Thursday June 25th between 2pm-5pm. We do have a limited number of additional yearbooks for sale that can be purchased during the yearbook pick up time for $25 on a first-come, first-serve basis.
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Just as a reminder, our food service has moved to a once-a-week service where families receive five days worth of food every Wednesday. We will be outside between the hours of 10-11AM every Wednesday with these packets of food. See you soon!
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Families, do not forget, we are continuing to serve free breakfasts and lunches daily between the hours of 11-12PM. All children under the age of 18 are eligible to receive free meals, even if the child does not attend Arcohe. We are out front every weekday. Come on by!
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
We miss you Arcohe!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Towery
Dear Families, Are you an essential worker that is in need of childcare? Below we have some resources that may help you find a local childcare center for your needs.
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
We wanted to take a moment to tell all our Middle School students how much we miss them! Be well!!
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Middle School Hello
If you are running errands or coming home from work, please stop by. We are here until 6 passing out student work.
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Student work
Student work packets can be picked up today between 11-6PM and Friday from 8-Noon. See you at the school!
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Student work packets for grades TK-5 will be available again this upcoming Thursday from 11AM - 6PM and Friday from 8AM - 12PM. We also received the Spring Pictures from Lifetouch so anyone who ordered pictures can come to school during those times to pick up your pictures.
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Hello Students and families. Check out the link below for my newest lesson with my friend Freddy the Frog! For more lessons and way to practice music from home, join my google classroom with this code! zlh7lw6
over 4 years ago, Rose Osbourne
For those who were not able to get a hotspot yesterday due to the back order, they are in and ready to pick up this morning. We are outside from now until noon.
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
One hour left for student packet pickup today. Please come over if you can to help us not have to carry 200 packets back and forth tonight. Please!
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
We are here for packet pickups. We will take your completed work and library books too. If you are in choir, Ms. Osbourne wants to remind you to turn in your choir shirts too. See you soon
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Packet pickups
Student packets are ready for pickup starting tomorrow from 10am-6pm in front of the school. We will also have Chromebooks and iPads available. We are trying to have the hotspots available, but we have an issue getting them delivered since so many school districts are trying to get them too. If they are not available tomorrow, we will deliver them to the families who have indicated they need one. We apologize for any inconvenience. See you tomorrow!!
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
Student packets
Reminder -- No Grab and Go lunches will be available during the traditional Spring Break from April 6 - April 13. We will start serving lunches again on April 14 through the end of the closure.
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller
To adhere to social distancing guidelines and to minimize coronavirus exposure, Arcohe is closing access to playground equipment until the guidelines are lifted. Families are welcome to use the fields and track, but the playground equipment will be roped off for now.
over 4 years ago, Troy Miller