Wellness Resources

Welcome to Arcohe's mental health and wellness resource website. Mental and physical health literacy helps us become responsible, effective, and successful in living full and healthy lives 

Good mental health and physical education and practices can help us take better care of ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.

Parents/caregivers and educators can use this online resource to find information and tools that will assist during the journey from mental health awareness to wellness, and employees can find wellness resources in one place.

Care Solace

Arcohe partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of students, staff, and their family members. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help you quickly find mental health or substance use treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of circumstance. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:

  • Call 888-515-0595 available 24/7/365 in any language

  • Visit caresolace.org/Arcohe and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.

Together, we can make a change and create healthy and safe learning environments for all students to thrive.

Wellness Staff

Rachel Tolson, School Psychologist, SCOE

Natalie Graves, LMFT, School-Based Mental Health and Wellness Clinician, SCOE, 916-531-4859

SCOE School Based Mental Health and Wellness Program

Mental Health and Wellness

Mental Health Referral Form

Useful Links

Mental Health Referral Form

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 866-248-4096


Suicide Prevention Crisis Line (Local) - 916-368-3111

Suicide Prevention Crisis Line (National) - 800-273-8255 (or just dial 988)

Veterans 24-hour Crisis Line - 800-273-8255

WEAVE Domestic Violence Crisis Line - 916-920-2952

Crisis Nursery (Children ages 0-5) - 916-679-3600

Wind Youth Services (Homeless and At-risk Students) - 800-339-7177

Trevor Project Crisis Line - LGBTQ Youth - 866-488-7386

Mental Health Urgent Care Clinic or Flyer

Community Helpline 877-541-2525

La Familia Counseling Center 916-210-8773 or after hours emergency 916-227-2600

Protective Services

Adult Protective Services - 916-874-9377

Child Protective Services - 916-875-5437

Emergency Numbers

Sacramento Police Department - 916-732-0100

Sacramento County Sheriff - 916-847-5111

Community Resources – Non-Emergency 

Access to Adult Mental Health (916) 875-1055 

Access to Children’s Mental Health (916) 875-9980 

Mental Health 24 hr. Crisis Line (888) 881-4881 

Alcohol & Drug System of Care – Adult (916) 874-9754 

Alcohol & Drug System of Care – Youth (916) 875-2050 

Guardianship (916) 875-4467 

Friends for Survival - (916) 392-0664 

Guest House – Homeless Services (916) 440-1500 

Mental Health America of Northern California (916) 366-4600 

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) (916) 364-1642 

Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center – (916) 442-0185 

Serves LGBTQ Community Gender Health Center – Transgender Individuals (916) 455-2391 

Community Support Team - (916) 874-6015  

Web Resources 

Practical & Empowering Mental Health Training (Ages 11+)

Suicide Prevention

Cal Hope Connect 833-317-HOPE or 833-642-7696 (Spanish)

Network of Care Sacramento – On-line Wellness and Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

Stop Stigma Sacramento 

National Child Traumatic Stress Network 

Mental Health America (MHA)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Teen Mental Health